Shawn Hernández | The People’s Interview #8 (English Version)

Shawn Hernández | The People’s Interview #8

Shawn Hernández is the eighth guest on The People’s Interview.

Today we bring to you a new edition of our section called “The People’s Interview” where we interview different personalities from the world of wrestling, whether they are wrestlers, journalists, announcers, etc. On this occasion, we chat with Shawn Hernández, current IMPACT Wrestling wrestler.

Shawn Hernández | The People’s Interview #8 (English Version)

1. First of all, what do you think you would be doing for a living if you had not become a wrestler?

I played American Football in high school and college and played 2 years professional in the Arena Football League. The NFL was always my first dream.

2. Is there any other sport you like to watch or practice?

 I am a big American football and NBA fan.

3. Apart from getting inside the squared circle, are you working on any side projects at the moment?

I am currently training new students in wrestling as well as trying my hand at acting.

4. What has been your favorite moment or anecdote in your career?

Winning the NWA TNA tag titles for the first time in 2006.

5. Which is a promotion (active or inactive) that you have never been part of but would love to wrestle for?

 WCCW. The Von Erichs promotion was every Texas wrestling fans dream.

6. Is there any wrestler or wrestling personality (active or inactive) you would love to share the ring with but haven’t yet?

 I have been very fortunate to wrestle almost every talent I would like to be in the ring with.

7. What is your favorite wrestling match of all time? Not necessarily the best match, but the one you enjoy watching the most

6 sides of steel match in Detroit when LAX won the tag titles from AJ Styles and Daniels.

8. And your favorite wrestling move?

Border Toss of course.

To end this interview, we are gonna go with three quick questions:

9. A book/film/series you are enjoying a lot recently.

I really enjoy the Cobra Kai series on Netflix. 

10. Your favorite band/artist.

LL Cool J for life lol!

11. Winning a match: via pinfall or submission?

Pinfall always!

And that’s it – our eighth edition of The People’s Interview with Shawn Hernández as our guest. If you are part of the wrestling industry and want to be one of our future guests, please contact us through our social media.

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