James Ellsworth | The People’s Interview #3 (English Version)

James Ellsworth | The People’s Interview #3

James Ellsworth is the third guest on The People’s Interview.

Today we bring to you a new edition of our section called “The People’s Interview” where we interview different personalities from the world of wrestling, whether they are wrestlers, journalists, announcers, etc. On this occasion, we chat with James Ellsworth, former WWE Superstar involved in storylines with the likes of AJ Styles, Dean Ambrose and Carmella. Moreover, since he left WWE, we have been able to watch him on many other promotions.

James Ellsworth | The People’s Interview #3 (English Version)

1. First of all, what do you think you would be doing for a living if you had not become a wrestler?

Before WWE I worked helping people with special needs. I’d definitely be still doing that.

2. Is there any other sport you like to watch or practice?

Football, baseball.

3. Apart from getting inside the squared circle, are you working on any side projects at the moment?

Flipping houses.

4. What has been your favorite moment or anecdote in your career?

Wrestling for the WWE title.

5. Which is a promotion (active or inactive) that you have never been part of but would love to wrestle for?

Anywhere i haven’t.

6. Is there any wrestler or wrestling personality (active or inactive) you would love to share the ring with but haven’t yet?

Daniel Bryan.

7. In sports and performing arts, it looks like it is almost a must to have some kind of ritual before competing or going on stage. Do you have one?

I pray.

8. What is your favorite wrestling match of all time? Not necessarily the best match, but the one you enjoy watching the most.

Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart, WrestleMania 12. Iron Man Match.  

9. And your favorite wrestling move?

No chin music.

To end this interview, we are gonna go with three quick questions:

10. A book/film/series you are enjoying a lot recently. 

Cobra Kai.

11. Your favorite band/artist.

The Offspring.

12. Winning a match: via pinfall or submission?


And that’s it – our third edition of The People’s Interview with James Ellsworth as our guest. If you are part of the wrestling industry and want to be one of our future guests, please contact us through our social media. See you next Saturday with a new interview!

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